UMass Boston

Student Conduct Process

In administering the Student Code of Conduct the Dean of Students Office employs a philosophy that is student-centered. We are dedicated to encouraging responsible and civil community conduct, promoting student development through individual responsibility, and facilitating a fair and impartial disciplinary process in situations where violations of the code have occurred.

Students, faculty, and staff who believe there has been a violation of the code may contact our office to discuss options available for reporting incidents. The Dean of Students Office also provides conflict resolution services that help students resolve disputes in an effective and fair manner. If you find yourself in a dispute with another person, these conflict resolution services can provide you with valuable skills to resolve current and future conflicts.

Note: As a student, your educational records are confidential, protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The university cannot release this information to anyone other than you without your written authorization. This FERPA form is designed to allow you to authorize us to release information to the person(s) or organizations(s) designated.

Conduct Related Documents 

Frequently Asked Questions

If I have been contacted by the Dean of Students Office about a conduct matter, what will happen?
You will receive an email to your UMass Boston account from our office instructing you to make an appointment to meet with a hearing officer. The email will describe the charges and a time frame for setting your hearing. If you fail to set and attend your hearing, a decision can be made in the case without your input. This decision could affect your status as a student.

If I am being charged in court, do I still have to go through the university’s conduct system?
Disciplinary action through the university’s Dean of Students Office may proceed prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings and may not be subject to challenge on the ground that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.

Who can I bring to a hearing for support?
Students have the right to bring an advisor to hearings. The advisor must be a member of the university community. However, when related criminal charges are filed and pending, hearing officers may permit a lawyer as an advisor.

What if the incident happened off campus?
The university has jurisdiction for behavior off campus. So even if it happens off campus, it may still be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, which will be handled by the Dean of Students Office.

What if I do not complete an assigned sanction?
Failure to complete assigned sanctions is considered a new violation of the Code of Conduct; Failure to Comply. In some situations, failure to complete sanctions may result in a hold on your record which will stop you from registering for course, suspension or expulsion from the university.

Will potential employers have access to my conduct record?
Your conduct record will only be accessible to them if you provide written permission allowing it.

Dean of Students Office
Campus Center, Floor 2
If this is an emergency call the UMass Boston Police at 617.287.7777